What We Do


EBENSU Foundation provides lasting solutions and a sustainable pathway from poverty through education, skills training, and business and health support. We work with a group of dedicated, task-oriented people driven by a common interest of creating positive impact in the lives of the vulnerable individuals we work with. For more information on what we do, and how to participate, we are always open to answer your questions via phone or email.

 “Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation's compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain loving one another.”

More than half of the world’s population of school age children are uneducated. For many, this is due to lack of family resources or support.

Through education, families can break free of the poverty cycle. Children are more likely to grow up to earn better salaries and to have the knowledge to keep themselves and their families healthier through better nutrition and disease prevention. In many cases a family may only be able to support one child through school and for cultural reasons, a boy child will be the recipient. Data shows that when girl children are also educated there is a generational effect, as they will tend to marry later, have children later when they are more able to provide for them, who in turn will also receive an education. When girls are educated, they are also much more likely to participate within community programs, forwarding the benefit to others.


EBENSU Foundation is dedicated to helping children’s education within Ghana through personal sponsorships as well as broader scope donations. Children are in need of exercise books, textbooks, pencils and pens as well as shoes and uniforms allowing them to attend class. In some cases, gifted students with much potential will be forced to forego an education due to lack of support. Ebensu Foundation is helping these students with the resources they need to lift them up and give them the opportunity to create a better future for themselves and those around them.

Our aim through Healthcare support is to identify problems in individuals that act as barriers to self-sufficiency. We may do that through health screenings to identify conditions such as Malaria and hepatitis b, or through eyeglass distribution.


Ebensu Foundation works with the disabled population to provide necessary equipment such as wheelchairs and crutches, allowing the mobility necessary to work outside the home. In some cases, we will also help disabled individuals to start small businesses so they can leave behind a life of begging in the streets for money.


For many in Ghana, it is not lack of ability or dedication, but lack of opportunity that keeps people living in poverty. With a small infusion of funding or training, individuals may be able to bring themselves up and thrive with a small business. With as little as $100 to start a petty trade such as selling housewares or phone cards, or $1000 to open a shop, people can get back on their feet and provide for themselves and their families in a sustainable fashion.

Like in many parts of the world, women comprise a larger percentage of the economically challenged in Ghana. Because of cultural barriers, marriage and child-bearing, lack of education, or discrimination, women are more likely to work in informal, low-wage jobs with exploitative and unequal working conditions. They are also traditionally responsible for providing for the children’s needs and are also much more likely to be turned down for bank accounts and loans. Many women find themselves in desperate situations with children to care for, abandoned by their husbands, and no way to earn money.


It is the goal of Ebensu Foundation to empower vulnerable men and women to start independent small business ventures or expansions. We work with these entrepreneurs to develop solid and sustainable business plans, acquire the facilities and materials they need, and ensure they have continued support for success. We monitor them over time to learn about the challenges they face and to help them stay prepared for leaner periods and also growth.

We listen to what people really want and need. If the work they choose is an endeavor they are enthusiastic to do, they are much more likely to succeed in it. EBENSU is a partner for success.

EBENSU Foundation responds to requests from those in poverty who are willing to work hard to pull themselves away from a life of constant struggle to meet their basic needs. We are dedicated to matching people up with interests and marketable skills that they can learn and use for years to come. Some common trades available to men and women in Ghana include but are not limited to:

  • Seamstress/ Tailor apprenticeships (three year program)
  • Hairdressing apprenticeships (three year program)
  • Batik tie and dye fabric printing
  • Videography and Photography
  • Small Animal Rearing

For more information on our Vocational Skills Training work, please contact us.